Saad Andary
Saad Andary is currently supporting initiatives with a group of professional partners to set up an investment bank to strengthen the country’s export industrial sector and help reform its payments system. He previously served as the Second Vice-Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon (Banque du Liban, BDL) between April 2009 and March 2019, and as Member of its Higher Banking Commission (the Financial Court), 2014-2019. He was instrumental in directing “Lebanon’s Young Entrepreneurs” initiative, which was launched by BDL in 2009 with support from ESA College and the civil society, and in introducing several initiatives to develop Lebanon’s knowledge eco-system.
Prior to his duties as regulator, Dr. Andary held several senior executive positions in the financial sector including, Deputy General Manager (Bank of Beirut & Arab Countries, BBAC), General Manager (Kuwaiti Interests for Financial Investments, KIFI), and Head of Treasury (Arab Bank, Lebanon), and Economist (Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, KFAED). He oversaw the creation of an Asset Management Arm, acquisition of an Insurance Company, and the expansion of BBAC’s international outreach.
For a period, he Chaired the Association of Banks’ Human Resources Committee and was until his last appointment member of the Board of Directors of Capital Insurance & Re-Insurance. In the Academic field he served for many years as the Director of the Institute of Money & Banking at the American University of Beirut, and as part-time Associate Professor at the Lebanese American University’s Business School. He was on the Board of Directors of ESA between 2009 and 2020. Dr. Andary also served as Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Anti-Corruption Commission, Lebanon branch until 2008.
Dr. Andary has worked with a group of academics to develop Lebanon’s healthcare sector leading an initiative with two major academic centers, AUB and USJ. As partner of the Sustainable Impact Group, s.a.l. (SIG) he is currently exploring the expansion of funding for export-oriented and import-substituting industries with several trade associations and official entities. He serves as member of the Advisory Management Board at the Schools of Business at both Beirut Arab University and University of Balamand, and lectures at UOB’s Executive MBA program.
Dr. Andary holds a Ph.D. (Econ.) from the University of Aberdeen (U.K.); M.A. (Econ.) from Durham University (U.K.); and B.A. (Econ.) from A.U.B.